Yet each individual who claims such "a personal experience with Christ" (to use their terminology) is utterly convinced [bold added] that he or she has been personally touched by Christ. Emotion trumps reason. -- steve2
When I was of the anointed -- briefly -- it was a conviction borne of both an emotional connection to "Abba" and his children (my older anointed friends) and an intellectual realization that "THE TRUTH" was the only means by which the highest level of spirituality might be achieved. This conviction had its conception while I was at Bethel and was summarily quashed. After the death of my dream of life in heaven, I was all right with being a spiritually minded Jonadab.
Youthful idealism, coupled with the absolute certainty that God is personally guiding one towards a glorious and supernal destination, trumps all commonplace goals, those entertained by mere mortals.
Now, I'm awake, realistic, and very happy without the fantasies that once occupied my vulnerable heart and mind.